A Somali Journalist gets Heart Attack in India:

Kassim Isse Dhuhulow He Registered to the UNHCR 13 May 2005,He Recognized as a Refugee in 12 August 2008,now body knows why they delay his status and he spent his life in India without any Assistance from the UNHCR except registration as a asylum-Seeker.

Dhuhulow he is Young Somali Journalist and Advocate Somali Community in India and he is Founder of the Central Somali Community in India 2000 and at that time only for Students Services like Admissions, Police problems and other Criminal activities may happen in the Society.

The Central Somali Community in India start to write massive Roots of the Corruption of the UNHCR 2002 when the United Nations Agency For Refugees started to put pan to the Refugees who applying Directly to the Embassies as it’s before. now you can not apply without getting latter from the UNHCR and the Latter is called Resentment latter or in other words permission latter and we don’t know why they accepted all western embassies on that Corrupted and acceptable proposals and in addition that now Refugees are dying for starvation, killer diseases, poverty and etc.

Our Journalist got Heart attack in 21 October 2011 and till now he didn’t get any treatment and he already inform to the UNHCR office in New Delhi-India also when he give up to the Office he requested to make Cancellation of his STATUS OF THE REFUGEES CERTIFICATE but the UNHCR headquarters in Geneva- Switzerland not accepts deep grievance of our great Volunteer Mr.Dhuhulow.

Lastly not the Least we request to the International Community Donor Countries ,the Indian Government and Humanitarian Organization to donate and save his life as an Urgently to our Journalist and our Advocate mr.Kassim Isse Dhuhulow.

By:Mohamed Abdi-Secretary.

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